About Labour:Coast&Country

Many millions of people live in rural and coastal communities across the UK, in fact more people live in rural England (9.3m) than live in London (8.7m).  Having engaged with many of these communities we know the issues that face them, on jobs, transport, education, health, and many others are much the same as those faced by those Labour fights for, and represents, in the cities of the UK.

We’ve created Labour: Coast & Country to promote debate, produce sound policy and organise campaigns that show people across the country just how Labour does ‘get‘ living on the coast or in the country.  So join the campaign, get involved, and help us make Labour the party of the coast and of the country that it can, and needs, to be.

What are your policy and campaign ideas? 

At Labour: Coast & Country we believe in wide ranging engagement, the power of collective endeavour, and the innovations we can create together. As such, we are always on the look out for ideas to address the challenges facing communities of coast and country. If you have any thoughts on our focus, any suggestions for new policy, or any ideas for new and exciting campaigns, then please get in touch.

Would you like to contribute?

We are also always looking for articles to publish here and elsewhere. If you have an article exploring country or coastal issues, new opportunities or solutions in you, then please get in touch through our contact page.